Midweek Staples: Wild mushrooms and Gubeen cheese on toast
Words by Niamh O’ShaughnessyStyling by Jette VirdiPhotography by Julie Levy
Cooking is one of my greatest pleasures, but often by the time I hit the midweek slump I find myself too tired to cook up an elaborate meal. The quality of ingredients used will make a huge difference to a dish like this. I find sourdough bread much more satisfying than any other type, and it is a staple in my kitchen.
There will always be at least two varieties of cheese in my fridge, one that can be used for cooking and another that I can enjoy as a snack. Gubeen is a delicious Irish cheese and ideal for cooking. Made by the Ferguson family in Co. Cork, this earthy cheese works perfectly with mushrooms and turns deliciously creamy when melted.
Sometimes the simple things really are the best, and this recipe is an example of just that. A few simple ingredients can work so well together to create an indulgent and satisfying meal in a matter of minutes!
1 garlic clove, crushed
150g mixed mushrooms a knob of butter
1 tsp chopped thyme salt and pepper
50g gubeen cheese
2 slices of good quality bread
a drizzle of olive oil
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
Heat the butter in a pan and add mushrooms, garlic and thyme.
Stir in the pan for about 10 minutes until cooked, adding a teaspoon of water or two if it gets too dry.
Season with salt and lots of pepper. Meanwhile, toast the bread, then drizzle with some olive oil.
Top the bread with the mushrooms and sliced cheese.
Put in the oven for 5 minutes or until the cheese is melted and creamy